Saturday, July 25, 2009

Liverpool to Little Falls NY 78.9 miles - 3,658.4 miles cum

No Internet coverage last night so this is a day late.

Today started out as a sunny and warmer than yesterday. We left the hotel at 7:45 and started riding east. It was not long before we were back in the country looking at farms and fields. I actually saw workers in the fields picking and stacking sweet corn. These are the first workers I have seen on the trip. I unfortunately did not get a picture of them. Next time for sure. Meiri and I poked along this morning and didn't really see anything of interest until our first Sag stop which was in the town of Canastota. Just before stop, we saw an old church which has been converted into a banquet hall and called Greystone Castle. We went inside and it looked like a great place to have a reception. We also saw a portion of the old Erie Canal.
After we left the Sag stop, we followed the Erie canal for quite a way. Meiri and I decided to ride on the canal path for a while. We met a father and son who were riding their bikes along the canal for it's entire length. We talked to them and they said they were getting bored with all of the flat riding and were not sure if they were going to finish it or not,
We stopped at a good restaurant called Knuckleheads, after the three stooges, for lunch. It was very good, one of the better lunch places we have seen. We continued on through more small towns which were founded in the 1700's and contained many old buildings. More and more of the buildings are beginning to look like the old buildings in New England.
We stopped to see one of the locks on the canal which was still operational. I didn't realize that part of the old canal was still being used. This portion of the canal was actually a river. It was too bad a boat wasn't locking through while we were there. It would have been very interesting to see.
We arrived in Little Falls and after dinner walked around the town. It has been restored and most of the storefronts are open. We saw several old buildings on the side streets being restored. It was nice to see the old towns being maintained and not abandoned as they were in the Mid-West.

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